No, I'm not ok.

No, I'm not ok. I'm going to be crying alot, just because I miss you so much, and just because I know that I will miss you alot during these upcoming months. I'm going to be missing someone who apparently doesn't care enough about me to spare my feelings, even the second time around. I don't really know where to start, because I'm so upset about so much. Nine months of my life, nine months of waiting, hoping, thinking that you care even though something deep inside told me that it would never be like that. I've put so much energy into this relationship, I've really tried to make it work despite everything and everyone who thought there was no point. Turns out there was no point, and I'm the one who's upset. I knew that too, ofcourse I knew that I was the one who would end up hurt and disappointed. I hate feeling like this, and knowing that I can't do anything to change the fact that I feel this way, and will be feeling this way, for a long time.

Postat av: Nina

My darling,

I know the feeling, the feeling that life will be shit forever because that one person that you want so bad doesnt wanna be with you. I know its not the same but i can relate. I know it sounds like the worlds biggest cliche' but time makes it easier. Something that some ppl wont tell you is that time doesnt heal all wounds. Well i love you more than life itself so Im gonna be completely honest with you: Time doesnt heal All wounds. But, time ALWAYS makes it easier. I promise you baby. I PROMISE.

"If I could be your angel, protect you from the pain..." <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

2009-08-30 @ 20:40:45
Postat av: Habiba

he was not the one. you will find the one sweetstuff i know it :)! and things will be ok ...casue we're going shopping today!!!!! yay! ;);)


2009-08-31 @ 09:59:30

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